'...Few writers have cut through themselves, their assumptions, their romances, so unsentimentally as the intermittently reclusive Frenchman, who notes in the same book that “We ought at least, for prudence, never to speak of ourselves, because that is a subject on which we may be sure that other people’s views are never in accordance with our own.” And after pages and pages on what he so Buddhistically calls “the variability of the self” and on the tenacity with which we cling to an image of someone even as that person is constantly changing, he simply concludes, “What one knows does not belong to oneself,” as if placing the entire frame of his project in a building without a roof.'
decembrie 29, 2013
Accidental Buddhist
'...Few writers have cut through themselves, their assumptions, their romances, so unsentimentally as the intermittently reclusive Frenchman, who notes in the same book that “We ought at least, for prudence, never to speak of ourselves, because that is a subject on which we may be sure that other people’s views are never in accordance with our own.” And after pages and pages on what he so Buddhistically calls “the variability of the self” and on the tenacity with which we cling to an image of someone even as that person is constantly changing, he simply concludes, “What one knows does not belong to oneself,” as if placing the entire frame of his project in a building without a roof.'
decembrie 16, 2013
'All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past
That youth and observation copied there,
And thy commandment all alone shall live
Within the book and volume of my brain,
Unmix'd with baser matter.'
That youth and observation copied there,
And thy commandment all alone shall live
Within the book and volume of my brain,
Unmix'd with baser matter.'
decembrie 13, 2013
decembrie 06, 2013
Cependant, s’élançant de la flèche gothique,
Un son religieux se répand dans les airs ;
Le voyageur s’arrête, et la cloche rustique
Aux derniers bruits du jour mêle de saints concerts.
Un son religieux se répand dans les airs ;
Le voyageur s’arrête, et la cloche rustique
Aux derniers bruits du jour mêle de saints concerts.
noiembrie 21, 2013
contrainte impossible
- Il faut, Nathanaël, que tu brûles en toi tous les livres.
Nathanaël, il y a d'admirables préparatifs au
sommeil ; il y a d'admirables réveils ; mais il n'y a pas d'admirables
sommeils, et je n'aime le rêve que tant que je le crois réalité. Car le
plus beau sommeil ne vaut pas le moment où l'on se réveille.
noiembrie 13, 2013
noiembrie 12, 2013
noiembrie 09, 2013
noiembrie 01, 2013
'What is the use of a book', thought Alice, 'without pictures or conversations?' (Lewis Carroll)
octombrie 28, 2013
von Goethe
In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm - in the real world all rests on perseverance. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
octombrie 21, 2013
Outside world
...'He is unabashedly literary and so unapologetic in his encyclopedic range that he remains an exemplar of what literature can be: at once timeless and time bound, universal and elitist, a mix of uncompromising high seriousness with moments of undiminished slapstick. Homer, Vergil, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Proust—not exactly authors one expects to whiz through or take lightly, but like all works of genius, they are meant to be read out loud and loved. Nothing would have shocked Proust more than to hear that his work was perceived as difficult or inaccessibly rarefied.'
octombrie 18, 2013
septembrie 24, 2013
...'Car je hais la dorure et la fioriture
Sur l’acajou trop dense ou tels autres bois lourds :
Tout au plus des pattes en cuivre et des chefs d’ours ;
Ou bien du bois de rose aux coins, où se torture
Le rococo de Boulle et celui de Boucher…
Ou des planches au long d’un mur, où tout nicher !'...
Le rococo de Boulle et celui de Boucher…
Ou des planches au long d’un mur, où tout nicher !'...
septembrie 17, 2013
septembrie 15, 2013
Modern Perception
The constellations we inhabit, whether in the wunderkammer of the collector, or on the pages of the essay, represent the latest configuration of our reality.
septembrie 04, 2013
En roulant
'Tant de fois, au cours de ma vie, la réalité m'avait déçu parce que au moment
où je la percevais, mon imagination qui était mon seul organe pour jouir de la
beauté, ne pouvait s'appliquer à elle en vertu de la loi inévitable qui veut
qu'on ne puisse imaginer que ce qui est absent. Et voici que soudain l'effet de
cette dure loi, s'était trouvé neutralisé, suspendu, par un expédient
merveilleux de la nature, qui avait fait miroiter une sensation - bruit de la
fourchette et du marteau,...
septembrie 02, 2013
august 24, 2013
Rideau de la scène
'Et ils garnissent les murs comme des mouches, jusqu'au plus fond. Et je
vois ces centaines de visages blancs. L'homme s'ennuie, et l'ignorance
lui est attachée depuis sa naissance. Et ne sachant de rien comment cela commence ou finit, c'est pour cela qu'il va au théâtre. Et il se regarde lui-même, les mains posées sur les genoux. Et il pleure et il rit, et il n'a point envie de s'en aller.'
august 19, 2013
quantum indeterminacies
'The compatibilists' main adversaries are incompatibilists,
who deny the compatibility of free will and determinism. Some
incompatibilists remain agnostic as to whether persons have free will.
But most take a further stand regarding the reality or unreality of
free will. Some of these incompatibilists, libertarians, hold
that at least some persons have free will and that, therefore,
determinism is false. Other incompatibilists, hard
determinists, have a less optimistic view, holding that
determinism is true and that no persons have free will. In recent
times, hard determinism has fallen out of fashion, largely because our
best sciences suggest that determinism is false. But the spirit of
the hard determinist position is sustained by hard
incompatibilists, who hold that there is no free will if
determinism is true, but also, that there is no free will if
determinism is false.'
august 09, 2013
harmful for young or old to read
...'Perhaps reading Dickens’s novels quietly alone doesn’t have this
immediate effect, but great writing initiates a real relationship that
urges us to think and feel as the author does. It is in this sense that
it can indeed do harm.'
august 03, 2013
puzzling question

'Once more she found herself in the long hall, and close to the little glass table. `Now, I'll manage better this time,' she said to herself, and began by taking the little golden key, and unlocking the door that led into the garden. Then she went to work nibbling at the mushroom (she had kept a piece of it in her pocked) till she was about a foot high: then she walked down the little passage: and THEN-she found herself at last in the beautiful garden, among the bright flower-beds and the coolfountains.'
august 02, 2013
iulie 28, 2013
iulie 26, 2013
generating ideas
'Powerful ideas emerge from particular places— places both figurative and literal. Figuratively, people need to find common ground before they can come together to find new solutions to difficult problems. Literally—well, some places just seem to provide inspiration. They attract creative people who feel more productive and more open to new possibilities when they are there and, as a result, innovation happens. '
iulie 25, 2013
iulie 23, 2013
iulie 22, 2013
deviation constraints
The uncertainty principle simply says that for some pairs of questions
to the oddsmaker, the answers may be interrelated. Famously, the answer
to the question of a particle’s position is constrained by the answer to
the question of its velocity, and vice versa. In particular, if we have
a huge ensemble of systems each prepared in the same quantum state, the
more the position is narrowed down, the less the velocity is, and vice
iulie 19, 2013

'I think the beginnings of an answer may be found in Aristotle’s notion of “formation.” To wrestle with basic questions about the nature of ourselves or the world we inhabit or the interface between the two or how creatures such as we should behave in such a world forms us in some way. '
iulie 13, 2013
iulie 03, 2013
feeling for art
"Wasn't it Sophocles," he asked, "who prayed for the time when he would be
delivered from the wild beast of passion that devoured his heart-strings?"
iunie 26, 2013
Spiritive, Appetitive, and Reasoning.
'They are told that people generally are guided primarily by one part of their soul, like being left-handed or right-handed. They are told that they have the capacity for being guided primarily by reason and are able to control the balance of the parts of their soul. They are told that those who are superior have the right and the duty to rule absolutely for the good of society. '
iunie 21, 2013
'The centrality of dreams in his stories also reflects Freud’s certainty about the significance of the dream life. The spread of Freudianism and the rise of Kafka’s reputation ran, not without good reason, in parallel. Kafka reads like Freud fictionalized. Freud’s reputation is now quite properly in radical decline; Kafka’s, somehow, lives on. Without belief in Freud, Kafka’s stories lose their weight and authority.'
iunie 18, 2013
'An idea need have no intrinsic reality except what it derives from my
thought, of which it is a mode. But any idea that has representative
reality must surely come from a cause that contains at least as much intrinsic reality as there is representative reality
in the idea. For if we suppose that an idea contains something that was
not in its cause, it must have got this from nothing; yet the kind of
reality that is involved in something’s being represented in the mind by
an idea, though it may not be very perfect, certainly isn’t nothing, and so it can’t come from nothing. It might be thought that since the reality that I am considering in
my ideas is merely representative, it might be possessed by its cause
only representatively and not intrinsically. That would mean that the
cause is itself an idea, because only ideas have representative reality.
But that would be wrong. Although one idea may perhaps originate from
another, there can’t be an infinite regress of such ideas; eventually
one must come back to an idea whose cause isn’t
iunie 13, 2013
'So the trance ended, and we grew
Restless, we knew not how or why;
And there were sudden gusts that blew
Our dreaming banners into storm;
We wore the uncertain crumbling form
Of a brown swirl of windy leaves,
A phantom shape that stirs and heaves
Shuddering from earth, to fall again
With a dry whisper of withered rain.'
iunie 12, 2013
Cold Commemorative
'Umbra ta, lovindu-se de ziduri,
iar se sparge-n cioburi colorate.
Oh, de-aceea m-ai zărit în stradă
adunând pierdutele-i pătrate.
Şi s-o fac la loc, în ceasul nopţii,
peste geamuri ţi le-aşez cu grijă,
verzi, albastre, galbene şi roşii,
încoifate-n creştet cu o sprijă.'
( | Nichita Stănescu - Vitraliu ) |
iunie 11, 2013
'While the meaning of artefacts is subjective and even their existence, as I have pointed out, is subject to selection and pressure, it does seem that up to a certain extent they act as independent witnesses. We can read many meanings into a text but, to a certain extent, a spade is a spade. Either a civilization developed a steam engine or it did not. Therefore, the archaeological record is to a certain extent uncontaminated by the grosser swings of theoretical fashion. '
iunie 07, 2013

'By the time she had caught the flamingo and brought it back, the fight was over, and both the hedgehogs were out of sight: `but it doesn't matter much,' thought Alice, `as all the arches are gone from this side of the ground.' So she tucked it away under her arm, that it might not escape again, and went back for a little more conversation with her friend.'
iunie 03, 2013
Nullius in verba
'We have undoubtedly shifted the nature of the correspondences, and their alignments one to another. With the demise of alchemy, we have looked increasingly to experiment and measurable results to dictate the nature of our science. Alchemy is the last moment when the magical is still permitted as a licit element of the genuinely scientific enterprise, and it is a moment that has a sort of afterlife in Newton, who would appear to have regarded force at a distance as an occult power, and who never gave up his alchemical experiments to the end of his life.'
mai 27, 2013
Une démarche s'impose
«les mouvements autonomistes avaient pensé pouvoir trouver une légitimité à leurs discours grâce à la construction européenne. C'est à dire qu'on serait passé d'une Europe des nations à une Europe supranationale reconnaissant d'autres modes d'organisations...»
mai 21, 2013
Ignotum per æque ignotum
'Out of the stories of Greek myth modern poets and painters have
constructed new “classical” worlds, not, however, really classical, but
transmuted in their crucibles and tempered into romanticism. In spirit,
if not in letter, the legends told and painted by the new artists are as
unlike the old, as the Arcadia of the Renaissance is unlike the Arcadia
of geography. But it is from the new vessels that we drink in our early
childhood. By the time we can read Greek literature for ourselves, our
imaginations are dyed with romantic colours; the poetry of Homer and
Euripides is laden with imported qualities; the light of antiquity comes
to us through painted panes. If we do not take good heed, the
impression produced by Tennyson’s Lotos Eaters, a poem trembling with modern emotion, will imperceptibly adulterate the nature of our pleasure in the passage of Homer’s Lotophagoi with the melancholy languor of the afternoon.'
mai 06, 2013
Quand vous me montrez l’hirondelle
Qui part jusqu’au prochain avril,
Pourquoi mon âme se meurt-elle ?
Quand vous me montrez l’hirondelle,
C’est que je pense à mon exil.
aprilie 23, 2013
Habit of mind
'..the doubt of one who would rather walk in mystery than in false lights, who awaits that he may win, and who prefers the broken fragments of truth to the imposing completeness of a delusion.'
aprilie 15, 2013
'Life seen throughout as a countless show of the finest works of Art; Life shaped, and purged of the irrelevant, the gross, and the extravagant; Life, as it were, spiritually selected that is Truth; a thing as multiple, and changing, as subtle, and strange, as Life itself, and as little to be bound by dogma. Truth admits but the one rule: No deficiency, and no excess! Disobedient to that rule nothing attains full vitality. And secretly fettered by that rule is Art, whose business is the creation of vital things.That aesthete, to be sure, was right, when he said: “It is Style that makes one believe in a thing; nothing but Style.” For, what is Style in its true and broadest sense save fidelity to idea and mood, and perfect balance in the clothing of them? '
martie 18, 2013
types d’anglicismes
'... L’emploi des équivalents français devient alors obligatoire au sein des administrations et des services publics, en remplacement des termes étrangers. La loi Toubon a aussi rendu obligatoire l’utilisation du français dans la publicité. Ainsi, les supports publicitaires sur lesquels apparaissent des slogans ou des textes utilisant des mots en anglais doivent «impérativement» en donner la traduction (qui apparaît généralement en petits caractères et précédée d’un astérisque).'
martie 16, 2013
formalized symbols
'When you think of something abstract
you are more inclined to use words from the start, and unless you make a
conscious effort to prevent it, the existing dialect will come rushing in and do
the job for you, at the expense of blurring or even changing your meaning.
Probably it is better to put off using words as long as possible and get one's
meaning as clear as one can through pictures and sensations. Afterward one can
choose - not simply accept - the phrases that will best cover the
meaning, and then switch round and decide what impressions one's words are likely
to mak on another person. This last effort of the mind cuts out all stale or
mixed images, all prefabricated phrases, needless repetitions, and humbug and
vagueness generally. But one can often be in doubt about the effect of a word or
a phrase, and one needs rules that one can rely on when instinct fails.'
martie 11, 2013
challenge to reality
“‘Pataphysics is the science which lies as far beyond metaphysics as metaphysics lies beyond physics, in any direction.”
martie 07, 2013
"Dacă sistemele vechi s-au golit de conţinut, nu înseamnă că nu mai pot
fi create altele noi. Dar, dacă sistemele şi stilurile sînt greu de
înlocuit, fiind dificilă construcţia altora noi, dacă nu chiar
imposibilă, jocul nesfîrşit al nuanţelor oferă spiritului creator al
popoarelor şi oamenilor posibilităţi nelimitate. (Petre Ţuţea, Filozofia nuanţelor, 1969)
martie 05, 2013
l'optique illusoire
.. 'Tout, la cendre latine et la poussière grecque,
Se mêlaient. J’étais haut comme un in-folio.
Deux voix me parlaient. L’une, insidieuse et ferme,
Disait : » La Terre est un gâteau plein de douceur ; Je puis (et ton plaisir serait alors sans terme !)
Te faire un appétit d’une égale grosseur. »
Et l’autre : » Viens ! oh ! viens voyager dans les rêves,
Au delà du possible, au delà du connu ! »
Et celle-là chantait comme le vent des grèves,..'
martie 04, 2013
fictiveness of fiction
The phrase ‘in reality’ had pointed us, of course, to the dimensions of reality which are available within the book, its planar perspectives. And in terms of the ‘slight digression’, all fiction is a digression from the serious business of acting. All writing that analyses human motivation or describes the psychological condition of its characters is to some degree recapitulating the fable of Achilles and the tortoise: to the extent that every distance is infinitely divisible into more and more minute units of description, writing is a series of parentheses within parentheses. Its very nature is to be digressive. We are in one sense getting nowhere...
februarie 19, 2013
picking up
'The problem, of course, is that the "human mind meld" is an unfiltered process. We might like to think that we have completely original minds, but we are easily influenced by others and have an "unknowingness" of how this mind meld works. '
februarie 17, 2013
'Foarte puţine din opiniile comunicate de Noica unuia sau altuia din numeroşii ofiţeri (care „lucrau spre binele poporului român“–Noica dixit!) au devenit publice, şi anume în „Glasul Patriei“, oficina de propagandă a regimului. Destule sunt aproape de nereprodus. Iată doar o jumătate de rând din cele 29 de pagini ale unei declaraţii, date la ieşirea din închisoare, în 1964, despre Emil Cioran: „Nu-i un om, e un refuz uman“.'
februarie 05, 2013
When we teach children to simply memorize material so they can pass tests, we give children access to the knowledge on only one side of the box. So when life tosses this box up (as it certainly will), it may not land on a side that is visible and accessible. In this case, the kids don’t have access to the knowledge. The end-result answers are not the only things that kids need to know. They need to learn to navigate the course of acquiring knowledge -essentially, to get to the answers by being curious and coming up with a lot of questions, a lot of whys. They need to get accustomed to learning from different directions, playing with concepts, and figuring out how to ask the whys in order to gain access to knowledge.
februarie 01, 2013
La postérité de Victor Hugo se porte bien
Les fléchettes, même les plus acérées,
adressées à un tel géant, sont dérisoires.
Au-delà même du vaste et protéiforme génie
de Victor Hugo, nous lui devons les bases d'un humanisme et d'une
fraternité, concrètement vécus de jour en jour, d'oeuvre
en oeuvre.
ianuarie 29, 2013
ianuarie 24, 2013
ianuarie 21, 2013
Perhaps a fifth part of her mind was thus occupied, and the remaining
parts leapt over the little barrier of day which interposed between
Monday morning and this rather subdued moment, and played with the
things one does voluntarily and normally in the daylight. But although
she was silent, she was evidently mistress of a situation which was
familiar enough to her, and inclined to let it take its way for the six
hundredth time, perhaps, without bringing into play any of her
unoccupied faculties. A single glance was enough to show that....
ianuarie 16, 2013
As for living standards, only the most historically ignorant would deny that it hasn’t raised them. Unfortunately it doesn’t stop the whingers in the comments section from claiming they’ve suddenly found themselves back in Dickensian Britain. It would help if they’d read Dickens, of course. Crucially, however, the purpose of capitalism is simple and easy to understand – obviously too easy for the sophisticated minds of Orr and her ilk: it’s to make profits for the shareholders and business owners.
ianuarie 13, 2013
ianuarie 03, 2013
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