decembrie 05, 2009


Aventura vietii lui , a fost aceea a unui stadiu istoric, a unui secol de la inceputul lui! Contemporan cu Howard Hughes, a prefacut elanul vital in act. Remarcabil inventator, sportiv, caracter sobru inflexibil a plasmuit sufletul civilizatiei celui de al XXI-lea veac. Premiant la liceu ( doua clase intr-un an), sef de promotie la facultate, subsecretar de stat in guvernul de elite Antonescu [demisioneaza recuzand semnarea unui tratat prejudiciabil Tarii,”-In tara asta nu face fiecare ceea ce vrea, ci ceea ce trebuie!” ar fi indicat(inutil) Antonescu ], personaj in cartea lui Nicolae Baciu `Din temnitele Anei Pauker, in puscariile lui Tito` , membru in Guvernul provizoriu al românilor din exil: si-a dedicat viata familiei si prietenilor ramasi acasa, si-a declarat românísmul pana in ultima clipa.
2.` The company originated in 1950 when Petrofina S.A. of Belgium sent Trajan Nitescu to Canada to organize and run a subsidiary.Nitescu was Rumanian by birth and worked with Petrofina's Rumanian subsidiary from 1926 until the end of World War II. At that time, he resigned his post as General Manager of the Oil Department because the company, like the country, was being taken over by the communists. For this and other reasons, he was soon an enemy of the Rumanian state, forced into hiding. After six months of flight from the secret police, he and his wife swam the Danube River at night to the relative safety of Communist Yugoslavia. They were still prisoners under Tito's regime, but eventually were allowed to leave because of high level, indirect pressure from the United States and Belgium. Nitescu took up employment with his old company Petrofina after the War and came to Canada. Under Nitescu's guidance, Canadian Fina grew rapidly through takeovers. `
4.` Ajuns într-un asemenea impas, Arhiepiscopul exilului Victor Vasile Leu s-a consultat cu Consiliul parohial al episcopiei [alcătuit din: maiorul Iliescu, avocatul Mihai Răutu, Bercu, Bischof, C. Papanace, Stelian Popescu, Radu Bossy, maiorul Croitorul, colonelul Neferu, inginerul Traian Niţescu,
avocatul Nicolae Baciu, Gogu Constantinescu],....`

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