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'The problem, of course, is that the "human mind meld" is an unfiltered
process. We might like to think that we have completely original minds,
but we are easily influenced by others and have an "unknowingness" of
how this mind meld works. '
'Foarte puţine din opiniile comunicate de Noica unuia sau altuia din
numeroşii ofiţeri (care „lucrau spre binele poporului român“–Noica
dixit!) au devenit publice, şi anume în „Glasul Patriei“, oficina de
propagandă a regimului. Destule sunt aproape de nereprodus. Iată doar o
jumătate de rând din cele 29 de pagini ale unei declaraţii, date la
ieşirea din închisoare, în 1964, despre Emil Cioran: „Nu-i un om, e un
refuz uman“.'
When we teach children to simply memorize material so they can
pass tests, we give children access to the knowledge on only one side of
the box. So when life tosses this box up (as it certainly will), it may
not land on a side that is visible and accessible. In this case, the
kids don’t have access to the knowledge. The
end-result answers are not the only things that kids need to know. They
need to learn to navigate the course of acquiring knowledge -essentially,
to get to the answers by being curious and coming up with a lot of
questions, a lot of whys. They need to get accustomed to learning from
different directions, playing with concepts, and figuring out how to ask
the whys in order to gain access to knowledge.
Les fléchettes, même les plus acérées,
adressées à un tel géant, sont dérisoires.
Au-delà même du vaste et protéiforme génie
de Victor Hugo, nous lui devons les bases d'un humanisme et d'une
fraternité, concrètement vécus de jour en jour, d'oeuvre
en oeuvre.