martie 18, 2013

types d’anglicismes

'... L’emploi des équivalents français devient alors obligatoire au sein des administrations et des services publics, en remplacement des termes étrangers. La loi Toubon a aussi rendu obligatoire l’utilisation du français dans la publicité. Ainsi, les supports publicitaires sur lesquels apparaissent des slogans ou des textes utilisant des mots en anglais doivent «impérativement» en donner la traduction (qui apparaît généralement en petits caractères et précédée d’un astérisque).'

martie 16, 2013

formalized symbols

'When you think of something abstract you are more inclined to use words from the start, and unless you make a conscious effort to prevent it, the existing dialect will come rushing in and do the job for you, at the expense of blurring or even changing your meaning. Probably it is better to put off using words as long as possible and get one's meaning as clear as one can through pictures and sensations. Afterward one can choose - not simply accept - the phrases that will best cover the meaning, and then switch round and decide what impressions one's words are likely to mak on another person. This last effort of the mind cuts out all stale or mixed images, all prefabricated phrases, needless repetitions, and humbug and vagueness generally. But one can often be in doubt about the effect of a word or a phrase, and one needs rules that one can rely on when instinct fails.'

martie 11, 2013

challenge to reality

Pataphysics is the science which lies as far beyond metaphysics as metaphysics lies beyond physics, in any direction.”

martie 07, 2013


"Dacă sistemele vechi s-au golit de conţinut, nu înseamnă că nu mai pot fi create altele noi. Dar, dacă sistemele şi stilurile sînt greu de înlocuit, fiind dificilă construcţia altora noi, dacă nu chiar imposibilă, jocul nesfîrşit al nuanţelor oferă spiritului creator al popoarelor şi oamenilor posibilităţi nelimitate. (Petre Ţuţea, Filozofia nuanţelor, 1969)

martie 05, 2013

l'optique illusoire

.. 'Tout, la cendre latine et la poussière grecque,
Se mêlaient. J’étais haut comme un in-folio.
Deux voix me parlaient. L’une, insidieuse et ferme,
Disait :  » La Terre est un gâteau plein de douceur ;  Je puis  (et ton plaisir serait alors sans terme !)
Te faire un appétit d’une égale grosseur.  »
Et l’autre :  » Viens ! oh ! viens voyager dans les rêves,
Au delà du possible, au delà du connu !  »
Et celle-là chantait comme le vent des grèves,..'

martie 04, 2013

fictiveness of fiction

The phrase ‘in reality’ had pointed us, of course, to the dimensions of reality which are available within the book, its planar perspectives. And in terms of the ‘slight digression’, all fiction is a digression from the serious business of acting. All writing that analyses human motivation or describes the psychological condition of its characters is to some degree recapitulating the fable of Achilles and the tortoise: to the extent that every distance is infinitely divisible into more and more minute units of description, writing is a series of parentheses within parentheses. Its very nature is to be digressive. We are in one sense getting nowhere...