'...nearly 100-year-oldpublication instructs sentence drafters to
“enclose parenthetic expressions between commas” and to “place a comma
before and or but introducing an independent clause.”
It says writers should use a semicolon or a period instead of a comma in
that case if there’s no and or but.'
'...la Sarre tente de redorer son blason en tirant parti de sa proximité géographique avec la France, voulant devenir «un pont avec l'Allemagne et une porte vers la France».
Une initiative unique outre-Rhin. La Sarre est d'ailleurs le Land
allemand qui compte la plus grande proportion de professeurs de français
dans son système scolaire, et entretient des relations étroites avec la
'Our approach to thinking, from the early days of the computer era,
focused on the question of how to represent the knowledge about which
thoughts are thought, and the rules that operate on that knowledge. So
when advances in technology made artificial intelligence a viable field
in the 1940s and 1950s, researchers turned to formal symbolic processes'....'While the successes behind subsymbolic artificial intelligence are
impressive, there is a catch that is very nearly Faustian: The terms of
success may prohibit any insight into how thinking “works,” but instead
will confirm that there is no secret to be had—at least not in the way
that we’ve historically conceived of it. It is increasingly clear that
the Cartesian model is nothing more than a convenient abstraction, a
shorthand for irreducibly complex operations that somehow (we don’t know
how) give the appearance, both to ourselves and to others, of thinking.
New models for artificial intelligence ask us to, in the words of
philosopher Thomas Metzinger, rid ourselves of an “Ego Tunnel,” and
understand that, while our sense of self dominates our thoughts, it does not dominate our brains.'