martie 25, 2014

...d'abord une cage

Peindre d'abord une cage
avec une porte ouverte
peindre ensuite
quelque chose de joli
quelque chose de simple
quelque chose de beau
quelque chose d'utile
pour l'oiseau
placer ensuite la toile contre un arbre
dans un jardin
dans un bois
ou dans une forêt
se cacher derrière l'arbre
sans rien dire...


martie 09, 2014

come of age

'...often i go to the town’s terraced frontier
where streets meet trees / locals stare up
through canopies of ancestry
listening to unprogrammed voices of birdlife /
a michelangelo sketches the muscles of children'

martie 05, 2014

it’s a trick

'...It’s tempting to dismiss Zeno’s argument as sophistry, but that reaction is based on either laziness or fear. Laziness, because thinking about the paradox gives the feeling that you’re perpetually on the verge of solving it without ever doing so—the same feeling that Achilles would have about catching the tortoise. Fear, because being outwitted by a man who died before humans conceived of the number zero delivers a significant blow to one’s self-image.'